Friday, November 26, 2010


I saw this trailer a ways back, and I thought it looked kind of original and funny.....
This of course proved to be partially false. It may still be funny, (It hasn't come out yet) but the premise is not original... I found a show on Fearnet HD called New Years Day. In which a girl wakes up in the middle of the zombie confused and running around looking for answers and loved ones! While the plot unfolds they keep jumping back and forth in time  from earlier in the night to present time. The past shows how we get to the present of course. So to make a long story short the girl is one of the zombies all along and she thinks she is a normal person escaping to her boyfriends. He shoots her when she gets ther. HUH? It is more convoluted than that, but i am cutting it short to get to the meat of it. He shoots her, she is then shown to actually be a zombie the whole time we see her in the present part of the storyline. When she is revealed to actually be a zombie somehow she seems to understand the zombie gestures from the other zombie guy who was in love with her......all in all it was made pretty badly, but the actual plot was pretty damned good.   AAAHH!! Zombies!!! Is similar in the way the group of people are actually zombies but, they see themselves as normal but as hideous zombies to everyone actually looks quite amusing....I am waiting for a release....for now enjoy the trailer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

DEAD INKS: First of many!

Check out the first Shirt released from Dead Inks Etc.
You can get one of these bad ass mofos here

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Test Intro Video for my short film check this out! My Buddy Wheat made this test intro for the Zombie Short Film I am writing/directing. what do you think?

ZombieKing Ruff Cut 1 from TrigopiX on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Newest Muse. Jennifer

Monday, May 3, 2010

Laurel Anderson

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lyubov ........So Beautiful.

High Fashion? LOL

Model: Lyubov
All Else: Me

Not exactly horror is it?

Undead Pinup

Model: Veronica James
All else: Me

I always wanted to do my own undead pinup..... all the ones I saw at various sites just seemed amateurish or non-sexy. I think I found what I was looking for with this one.

This is hopefully going to be the cover of "The Book Of The Dead" Coffee table book

Glammed To Death!

Model: Lyubov
All Else: Me :)


Due to the ever worsening economy I was laid off from my job of ten years..... While this should be considered bad news it has invigorated me to take up this orphaned blog again and give it some love.

What you can look forward to in the coming weeks.

Lots of new photos....mostly of Horror pictures because I am submitting droves of images to an upcoming coffee table book that one of my favorite photos may be the cover for!

Trial and Error of new food and recipes since I have re-embraced my love of cooking.

Hopefully some new Illustrations because my photography which, I started to help with my Illustrations in the first place has since replaced my Illustrating all together. I need to try and get back to my roots and yet stay commited to my photography as well.
No easy task I damn well assure you.

Possibly Movie reviews.......

Following this post will be a photo from my latest shoot....One of my favorite. I will also post the "hopefully" cover for the book I am submitting to.